OEM of compound and/or master batches
An affiliated company stock 100% whereof is owned by us has been engaged in OEM productions in Chiba factory facilitated with a twin screw extruder in 4 lines, starting a processing research from trial run smoothly down to industrial step, under the very strict quality control to offer the commercial goods to meet the market needs.
- Carrier resins in use
●Denaturing of resin and cross link operation of PE is possible.
Producer : Fine Techno Corporation
- 主要設備

- ●カツミック混合機(容量:1200ℓ): 3基
- ●スーパーミキサー(容量:500ℓ): 1基
- ●軟質・硬質用ペレタイザー :4基
- ●ヒートシール式自動包装機: 1基
- ●2軸押出機(58mmφ、L/D=52):2系列
- ●2軸押出機(51mmφ、L/D=48):1系列
- ●2軸押出機(75mmφ、L/D=42): 1系列
- ●重量フィーダー:8基